El Dallas ISD es hogar para una de las mejores escuelas magnet en el país. Los estudiantes interesados en asistir a una de dichas escuelas para el año escolar 2015-2016, deben completar la forma de solicitud a más tardar el 30 de enero. Hay programas disponibles para cada edad y para cada tipo de interés. El programa magnet incluye las escuelas vanguards y Montessori para los estudiantes de primaria, academias para estudiantes de secundaria y magnets para estudiantes de preparatoria. Vea el siguiente enlace para una lista lista completa de escuelas y programas. Los requisitos para asistir a los programas…
Author: Messaging and Marketing
Plans to open schools of choice next August appear to have the support of trustees who received a briefing on the effort Thursday. The report recapped the results of a school choice survey, revealed that 46 school teams have applied to offer choice programs, and identified five schools that are on track to launch personalized learning curriculums next school year. Overall, trustees reacted favorably to the progress report that indicated broad public interest in expanding choice options. An ongoing interest survey has drawn nearly 4,000 responses reflecting a desire for a variety of choice programs. Trustees expressed personal preferences for…
Katey Batey and Thom Browne recently earned the chance to share their stories with thousands of area teachers and community members at the Extra Yard for Teachers Summit, sponsored by the College Football Playoff Foundation. The Summit, held Saturday, Jan. 10, in conjunction with the College Football National Championship, featured inspiring speakers from across the country, including former U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Condoleeza Rice. The pair was chosen to present based on video entries they submitted to a speaker contest held by the Foundation that invited teachers to tell stories about why they teach. Batey, a fourth-grade writing…
Conozca los recientes cambios en cuestión de inmigración sobre el programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés) y el programa de Acción Diferida para Padres de Ciudadanos Estadounidenses y Residentes Permanentes Legales (DAPA, por sus siglas en inglés). Los miembros del grupo de North Texas Dream Team hablarán sobre la fechas en que se emiten los formularios y constestarán preguntas a los asistentes. Vea los detalles en el volante anexo para más información.
De acuerdo a un nuevo estudio conducido por Rand Corp, el programa de verano de Dallas ISD’s Thriving Minds Summer Camps reconoce que ayuda a que los estudiantes avancen en matemáticas. Lea más detalles en el enlace abajo publicado por el Dallas Morning News. El estudio también revela como los estudiantes resultaron estar mejor preparados que otros estudiantes de los distritos urbanos. El programa es presentado por Big Thought que colabora como socio del Dallas ISD. “Reconocemos que aún hay más estudios pendientes por realizarse, pero tenemos suficiente información para concluir que estos programas benefician a los niños, y los…
An update on the schools selected to implement personalized learning next school year is on the agenda for today’s board briefing. Trustees are expected to hear the results of the six-month planning process that involved leadership teams of six current district campuses and two proposed new campuses that stepped up for consideration to implement the new model next school year. Personalized learning is an instructional model that delivers a learning experience tailored to the individual student by giving him what he needs, when he needs it, in a manner that works best for that student. Ashley Bryan, who is working…
According to the NCAA, each year half a million boys across the U.S. participate in high school basketball. Of those, 3.3 percent will go on to compete to at the college level. Two student-athletes in the Dallas ISD have joined that elite group thanks to persistent academic efforts that have placed them at the top of their graduating class. South Oak Cliff High School senior basketball players Olando King Jr. and Frank Byers Jr. are like most teenage hoopsters—they dream of state championships (a real possibility for a highly successful program such as the one at SOC) and what collegiate…
Es la temporada de las ferias de ciencias en Dallas ISD, y el profesor de física de SMU, el Dr. David Dalley quisiera que más estudiantes usaran su curiosidad por el mundo para la creación de proyectos para las ferias de ciencias. Presidente de la Feria Regional de Ciencias del área, Dalley cree que más niños participarían en la feria de ciencias si los adultos simplemente fomentaran la curiosidad natural de los estudiantes. “Solo se trata de hacer preguntas, pero debe ser una pregunta de un tema que le interese al estudiante,” dijo Dalley. “Hay tantas preguntas simples como, por…
Dallas ISD’s department of Human Capital Management recently launched a re-vamped website designed to better illustrate the district’s values and attract innovative classroom and school leaders. HCM’s web presence communicates the message that joining the district’s instructional team represents the opportunity to Teach, Lead and Transform the leaders of tomorrow. Often the first impression for potential teachers, campus leaders and non-instructional staff, the new website introduces applicants to the innovative initiatives that are transforming Dallas ISD, including Destination 2020, the Teacher Excellence Initiative, and the Effectiveness = Performance and Achievement plan. Chief of Human Capital Management Carmen Darville anticipates the…
January is School Board Recognition Month and Dallas ISD is joining other districts across the state to thank local leaders for their dedication and willingness to serve as advocates for children and public schools. This year’s theme is: A Work of Heart. School boards are charged with establishing a vision for a district’s education program, designing a structure to achieve that vision, ensuring that schools are accountable to the community, and strongly advocating continuous improvement in student learning. The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees establishes policies by which the district operates. Under the board’s leadership, the district has accomplished a…