Author: MariCarmen Eroles

Daniel Poveda and Monica Garcia have dedicated their careers to serving the Dallas ISD community while bringing their rich cultural heritage into the classroom. Originally from Venezuela, the couple’s passion for teaching reflects their deep commitment to uplifting the next generation of students. Poveda has been with Dallas ISD for 16 years, first as a teacher and now working as an instructional specialist for emergent bilingual and immigrant students in the Dual Language ESL Department.  He arrived in the country when he was 14, and remembers the challenges of adapting to a new culture and language. His passion for teaching…

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La concentración, la emoción y el compañerismo se mezclan en una de las actividades extracurriculares más populares de Dallas ISD: los deportes electrónicos (esports). El departamento de Actividades Estudiantiles de Dallas ISD pretendía lanzar la actividad en 2019 con 20 escuelas, pero cuando se les preguntó a las escuelas secundarias si les interesaba, la respuesta fue abrumadoramente positiva: 62 escuelas querían participar. La nueva actividad extracurricular comenzó en esas escuelas con 800 estudiantes de sexto a doceavo grado que participaron en los torneos del distrito ese año. “Tuvimos una respuesta tan grande, que tuvimos que revisar el presupuesto porque no…

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Concentration, excitement, and camaraderie mix in what is one of the most popular extracurricular student activities in Dallas ISD: esports. Dallas ISD’s Student Activities department wanted to launch the activity in 2019 with 20 campuses, but when the department asked secondary schools if they would be interested, the response was overwhelmingly positive—62 campuses wanted to participate. The new extracurricular activity launched at those campuses with 800 students in sixth through 12th grade participating in district tournaments that year. “We got such a great response, and then we had to look at the budget because we hadn’t budgeted for so many…

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Yaritza E. recuerda que cuando supo que estaba embarazada en 10.º grado y tuvo que dejar North Dallas High School por un año para cuidar a su bebé, la mayoría pensó que nunca regresaría para graduarse. El 18 de mayo les mostró que estaban equivocados cuando cruzó el escenario para recibir su diploma de preparatoria. “Muchas personas pensaron que no iba a regresar”, dijo, secándose las lágrimas. “Les mostré que estaban equivocados. No es fácil ser mamá adolescente, pero lo hice porque quería darles una mejor vida a mi hijo y a mi mamá”. Yaritza asistirá a Texas Women’s University…

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Yaritza E. remembers when she found out during her sophomore year that she was pregnant, and then took a year off from North Dallas High School to care for her baby, most people thought she would never go back and graduate. She proved them wrong on May 18 when she walked the stage to receive her high school diploma. “A lot of people thought I wasn’t going to come back,” she said, wiping away tears. “I proved them wrong. It’s not easy being a teen mom, but I did it because I want to give my son and my mom…

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Con el fin de priorizar la seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal, el distrito realiza auditorías de seguridad con regularidad a lo largo del año escolar. El éxito de estas auditorías ha llamado la atención a la Agencia de Educación de Texas (TEA, por sus siglas en inglés), la cual está en proceso de desarrollar una evaluación de vulnerabilidad para todo el estado. Los equipos de evaluadores de la TEA pasaron una semana en Dallas conociendo las instalaciones del distrito y asistiendo a juntas con la División de Operaciones para determinar cuáles son las vulnerabilidades del distrito basado en…

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In its continued efforts to prioritize the safety of students and team members, the district conducts regular safety audits throughout the school year. The success of these audits has attracted the attention of the Texas Education Agency, which is developing a statewide vulnerability assessment. TEA teams of assessors spent a week in Dallas touring district facilities and attending meetings with Operations Division team members to determine the district’s vulnerabilities based on their 11-point assessment that then will be used by school districts across the state. “Dallas ISD volunteered to be the first in the state to have a vulnerability assessment…

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Dallas ISD and the Dallas Urban Debate Alliance collaborate to offer debate opportunities to secondary students and provide resources to debate coaches, including curriculum, alumni visits, and workshops. Neri Sandoval, debate coach at the School for the Talented and Gifted at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, has seen his students benefit from this collaboration and resources with their recent qualification for the UIL State CX Debate Meet. TAG and four other high schools advanced to the UIL State CX Debate Meet, which will be held at The University of Texas in Austin on March 15-16. Additionally, four schools have qualified…

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Por motivo del Mes de la Herencia Indígena Estadounidense y de los Indígenas de Alaska este noviembre, las bibliotecas de primarias y secundarias de todo el distrito recibirán libros con temas sobre los pueblos nativos de Estados Unidos. En colaboración con el Departamento de Servicios Bibliotecarios y Multimedia, el Departamento de Estudios Sociales repartirá más de 300 libros y objetos significativos de los pueblos indígenas a las bibliotecas para que los estudiantes tengan a mano libros que celebran la cultura y las contribuciones de los indígenas estadounidenses, no solo en noviembre, sino durante todo el año, dijo Shalon Bond, directora…

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November is Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month, and libraries across the district at elementary and middle schools will be getting books with Native American themes. Working with Library Media services, the Social Studies Department is deploying more than 300 books and some Native American memorabilia to libraries, so students have access to books that celebrate the culture and contributions of Native Americans, not just during November but throughout the year, said Shalon Bond, director of Social Studies. “We want to heighten the knowledge of Native American culture through identity and voice in our libraries, and we are doing…

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