National African American Family Involvement Day celebrated across Dallas ISD


Dallas ISD observed National African American Family Involvement Day (NAAFID), a day aimed at fostering stronger connections between African American families, schools, and the community. This annual event is an opportunity for educators, parents, and community members to come together and empower families to take an active role in their child’s educational journey.

Recognizing the vital role family involvement plays in a student’s success, the district organized a range of activities.The day’s events included guided school tours, providing parents with insights into the campus environment and facilities. Participants also learned about the rich history of their student’s campus and engaged in classroom observations to gain a deeper understanding of the learning process. 

Candace Sledge, Director of Partnerships & Volunteer Services at Dallas ISD, emphasized the significance of parental involvement, stating, “Research consistently shows students perform better academically when parents are involved and engaged in schools and their child’s learning experience.”

The day concluded with a reception held at the African American Museum, where guests were treated to performances by students and parents. 

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