Dallas ISD is focused on wellness across the district


In Valdemar Gomez-Garcia’s classroom at Walnut Hill International Leadership Academy, you’ll find students kicking off their morning in silence. Their eyes are closed as Mr. Gomez-Garcia leads his class with a breathing exercise.

While there’s a focus on back to school during the month of August, it is also National Wellness Awareness Month. The significance of wellness is not just acknowledged but actively embraced by Dallas ISD teachers, students, and team members who practice wellness techniques to better their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

The team members at Bishop Arts STEAM Academy also know that starting their day with a positive mindset is important. Students and teachers take a moment to start their days with morning meetings. During these meetings, both students and teachers take time to reflect on their day and feelings, and all comments and stories are welcomed. There is no judgment during this time, allowing a safe, consistent, and conducive environment for all. The meetings are an opportunity for students and teachers to grow their social and emotional skills.

“We know that meaningful learning happens when there is a positive and trusting relationship. The morning meetings are just one component of building trusting and positive relationships to create a sense of belonging within the school community,” said Principal Ruth Román-Meza.

At Dallas ISD’s central offices, team members have access to wellness rooms in the midst of busy workdays. These rooms are private and provide employees a space to focus on their wellness using meditation, prayer, and more.

In the words of Gomez-Garcia, we often find ourselves fearful of silence, averse to closing our eyes amid life’s chaos. Yet, in these simple moments of mindfulness and reflection, a profound transformation occurs.

Let National Wellness Awareness Month serve as a reminder that wellness is not a destination but a journey—a journey embraced by the students and team members of Dallas ISD.

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