Top 5 reasons you should attend Neighborhood Schools Night Out

  1. Be the first to register for the 2023-2024 school year: At the Dallas ISD Neighborhood Schools Night Out event, you’ll be able to find the best fit for your Pre-K through 12th-grade student and register them for the next school year.
  2. Learn about the top schools and unique programs in your neighborhood: Dallas ISD neighborhood schools offer the best of tradition and innovation. From a variety of extracurricular activities and championship athletics to innovative programs such as dual language, personalized learning, STEM/STEAM, leadership academies, Montessori and more, a quality education is in your backyard.

  3. Meet and get to know your neighbors: Families will have a chance to connect with their community at Neighborhood Schools Night Out and meet school representatives, neighbors, future classmates or new friends, face to face.
  4. Little-to-no-cost investment for your student’s future: At Neighborhood Schools Night Out, you will learn about the rich extracurricular offerings at our schools, including athletics, fine arts and more, which are free of cost to families. By attending a neighborhood school, your student will be provided the free books and materials they will need for the school year.
  5. Enjoy a free, family fun night: Neighborhood Schools Night Out is the perfect opportunity for neighborhood camaraderie. All locations will have interactive games and activities for kids and families to enjoy. We can’t wait to see our future students!

To learn more about the Neighborhood Schools Night Out event and to find a location near you, visit our website

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