The Extended Learning Opportunities Department is creating exciting opportunities for students in afterschool programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Afterschool programs have the ability and flexibility to be creative and provide a variety of individualized learning. They are rich with educational opportunities and can make what is learned during the traditional day vibrant and relevant to the lives of children.
Learning takes place in various formats and designs. High-quality comprehensive programs beyond the school bell can yield positive outcomes and motivate students to get excited about learning during the school day. The ELO Department is creating virtual and in-person afterschool platforms for students’ districtwide grades PreK-12.
Programs offered are not limited to the areas of Arts and Culture, Health and Wellness, and STEM, but also to programs that address leadership, problem solving, communication, teamwork, and perseverance. All classes are enriching, engaging, and empowering hands-on. The skills learned are transferable to support student’s academic achievement preparing them for college and career readiness, and opportunities in areas they might not have the chance to experience otherwise. Effective programs bring a wide range of benefits to students, families, and communities.
The many wonderful afterschool platforms available for students can be found on The Dallas ISD website under the Extended Learning Opportunities Department link