Dallas ISD is committed to provide every student with the technology and Internet access they need to successfully learn from anywhere, including from home.
Thanks to the district’s Long-Range Master Plan for Technology and 2015 bond program, the district provided a Chromebook or laptop to many secondary students before schools unexpectedly closed in late March. Meanwhile, technology deployments for elementary schools are wrapping up on August 31.
All Dallas ISD schools are scheduling makeup events during the week of Aug. 31–Sept. 4 for any elementary and secondary students who have not yet received a computing device. Families may contact the campus directly to schedule a convenient pickup time.
Also, in accordance with updated cybersecurity policies and procedures, the IT Department is resetting all student passwords prior to the start of school. The new temporary student password is a unique 8-digit code based on the student ID number. The campus can provide the temporary code, or the family can contact the IT Service Desk at 972-925-5630 for assistance logging in.
Any Dallas ISD student who needs home Internet service can request to borrow a mobile Internet hotspot for the school year.