Santander Consumer USA Foundation continues its commitment to Dallas ISD students by providing a $150,000 grant to the Dallas Education Foundation–Dallas ISD’s nonprofit philanthropic arm–to support distance learning and virtual classrooms.
Dallas Education Foundation Executive Director Mita Havlick said the grants funds will be used to fund the development of the technology platform students need to successfully engage and participate in at-home learning.
“In these uncertain times, it’s required for our students to have the ability and option to access quality virtual instruction. The generous grant from Santander Consumer will directly fund the development of a robust virtual classroom environment – initially for our 7,700-plus PTECH students – with a vision of providing a platform that scales to all high schools, and eventually, districtwide,” Havlick said. “On behalf of Dallas ISD, the Dallas Education Foundation greatly appreciates Santander Consumer USA and its foundation for their ongoing support.”
Santander Consumer USA is a consumer finance company focused on vehicle finance and third-party servicing. The donation to the DEF was part of a larger $1.3 million donations to 18 organizations Santander provided for COVID-19 relief.
Suzanne Massey, Vice President, Santander Consumer USA Foundation stated, “The Santander Consumer USA Foundation is pleased to support the Dallas Education Foundation and its work to address digital disparities for Dallas ISD students. We appreciate the efforts of Dallas ISD to ensure that all young people have access to effective distance learning and virtual classrooms so that students continue to learn and grow during disruptive events like COVID 19,”
In addition to the above, Santander Consumer USA employees volunteer at our Dallas ISD schools. And, notably, the company’s foundation donated $60,000 in November 2019 to the Dallas Education Foundation to support tornado disaster relief efforts.