As of 8:45 a.m. on March 13, Dallas County has eight presumptive coronavirus cases, none of which have a known connection to Dallas ISD.
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins announced a declaration of local disaster for public health emergency late on March 12.
As a precautionary measure, any Dallas ISD school with more than 500 students on March 13 will serve lunch in the classrooms to avoid large groups from gathering together. Schools with more than 500 students will also hold modified dismissal times so students leave the building in small groups. The overall dismissal time for the schools will remain the same.
Dallas ISD officials on March 12 briefed trustees on the district’s coronavirus response plan in case the threat escalates. Meanwhile, the district canceled all events until further notice.
Spring Break is March 16–20. Superintendent Michael Hinojosa said he should know more by Thursday, March 19 regarding any potential school closures caused by the coronavirus.
The district’s coronavirus information page and social media pages will be updated with any new information.