The Dallas ISD 2019–2020 budget approved by trustees Thursday night includes approximately $57.6 million in annual compensation raises, which is notably higher than the raises required under House Bill 3.
Nearly $33.6 million of the raises will go toward teachers and campus administrators under strategic compensation, while $6.7 million will be allocated for other campus-facing positions such as media specialists, non-TEI teachers, nurses and counselors. (Go here to see an FAQ on the compensation raises)
The Dallas ISD teacher salary will now start at $54,000, and all qualifying employees will get at least a 2-percent raise. The raise for central staff and non-excellence-initiative positions will be based on the position’s midpoint salary, providing a more equitable salary increase.
Meanwhile, the approved budget allocates $10 million to support the Achieving in the Middle initiative. The new initiative will bring strategies proven to lift school performance—strategic staffing, instructional excellence, social and emotional support, extended learning and supportive partnerships—to 24 Dallas ISD middle schools. Dallas ISD Chief of School Leadership Stephanie Elizalde briefed trustees on the plan in March.
“We are not providing what we need to be providing to our middle school students,” Elizalde said. “We are going to work with these schools and provide additional resources and support to ensure our students are being best prepared for success.”
Other notable investments in the approved budget are:
- $3.1 million to operate at least 15 additional pre-K classrooms, both in Dallas ISD schools and at partnership sites;
- $3.1 million for career institutes that will help expand career options for highly motivated students interested in entering the construction trades and earn a living wage right out of high school;
- $2.1 million to increase the bilingual stipend by $1,000 per recipient
- $1 million for the Creating Accelerated Performance initiative, which provides intensive support for students in critical grade levels who are not demonstrating a proficiency in reading;
- $1 million to support the Office of Transformation and Innovation in accelerating innovation by creating new neighborhood innovation schools and new transformation schools.