Outstanding elementary school robotics team, fantastic partners and Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings got shoutouts from the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees at the May 23 meeting.
Trustees kicked off their presentation of board recognitions with a resolution honoring Rawlings, who they called “The Education Mayor.”
The board then recognized these robotics teams for their accomplishments:
The New Robolution of Alex Sanger Preparatory won the STEM Research Project Award at the U.S. Open National VEX Robotics Championship held in Iowa April 1-3. The “STEM Research Project” award is presented to the team that develops and delivers an effective research project presentation and demonstrates a significant depth of understanding of their research topic.
Winnetka Wildbots 224X won the Excellence Award which is the highest award presented in the VEX IQ Challenge program. This award is presented to a team that exemplifies overall excellence in building a high quality VEX IQ Robotics program.
Winnetka Girl Powered 224G won the Inspire Award at VEX Worlds in Kentucky in April. This award is presented to a team that inspires judges with their approach to competitive robotics, communicates their passion for VEX, and have a positive attitude throughout the competition.
The Casa View EagleBots125 won the CREATE Award for the second year in a row at the VEX Robotics World Championship in Kentucky. The Create Award is presented to the team whose robot design incorporates a creative engineering solution to the design challenges of the season’s game.
Lastly, trustees also showed their appreciation to these valuable Dallas ISD partners:
The Succeeding Together Industry Partner: STEMuli
As one of the first major industry partners at Emmett J. Conrad Global H-TECH, STEMuli set the tone and established parameters for other industry partners as they serve on both campus advisory boards and districtwide as well. They assist with curriculum planning, recruitment, workplace learning activities and mentoring and parent involvement – and have recently expanded to become an Industry Partner at Seagoville P-Tech.
The Jeanne Fagadau Leading the Charge Award: The State Fair of Texas
For many years, the State Fair of Texas has supported Dallas schools, providing Fair tickets to all students and staff, curriculum to support classroom activities related to the Fair, and they collaborate with community organizations to provide a variety of assistance to nearby schools. Their legendary scholarship program has awarded more than $11 million to graduating seniors. And in recent years, together with a number of universities and non-profits, the State Fair has conducted NXTFEST, an outstanding college readiness fair.
The Emmett J. Conrad Extra Mile Award: The Credit Union of Texas
The Credit Union of Texas is an outstanding Dallas ISD partner, providing annual scholarships to students and staff – and each summer, both campus-based and central staff employees look forward to receiving the donation of academic planners. They bring assistance for our new teachers, our employee recognition programs and assist with school supplies and volunteers at schools near their offices. And this year Credit Union of Texas was the lead sponsor of the Second Annual Dallas ISD Athletic Hall of Fame.
Superintendent’s Award: HEB/Central Market
A Dallas ISD partner for more than 15 years, HEB/Central Market plays an essential role helping the district recognize and celebrate outstanding teachers. They sponsor the Teacher of the Year program – including events, awards and school visits. Their Excellence in Education awards have benefited our teachers and principals. And two years ago they responded to a request to help launch the City Arts Theatre – and they have remained the sole sponsor.