As the director of Dallas ISD Dyslexia Services, Michelle Brown oversees a staff of 145 dedicated evaluators, interventionists and instructional leaders who support dyslexic students across the district.
Within a two year timeframe, Brown has created and implemented a strategic plan that has led to the hiring of 121 dyslexia interventionists to provide multi-sensory instruction across the district. For her outstanding work, the Dallas International Dyslexia Association (IDA) has chosen Brown to receive the 2019 Excellence in Education Award. She will be recognized on Feb. 8 at the Dallas IDA’s 2019 Regional Conference.
“I’m very humbled and thankful to have the opportunity to receive this award,” Brown said. “I am very thankful to my staff for going out there in the field and giving it their all to ensure students are getting the resources and instruction they need to be successful at anything they choose to do.”
According to the IDA, The Excellence in Education Award is presented annually at Dallas IDA’s regional conference to teachers or other professionals who demonstrate excellence in practice and a commitment to students with dyslexia and related differences. Individuals may be nominated by a colleague, student, parent, or other professional in the field. Nominations should be based on professional dedication, knowledge, skills, successes, achievements, school or community collaboration.