The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, district leadership and community members gave a standing ovation to the 13 Dallas ISD schools that diligently worked to improve student performance last school year and, as a result, are no longer on the list of the state’s lowest-performing schools.

Dallas ISD has achieved a steep decline in the number of Improvement Required (IR) campuses, from 43 in 2013-2014 to four in 2017-2018. At the Aug. 23 board meeting, Superintendent Michael Hinojosa credited the district leaders, campus leaders, and outstanding teachers for the phenomenal turnaround at the 13 schools.

“When you have dedicated leaders who take no excuses and have high expectations, they can turnaround schools in a significant way,” Superintendent Michael Hinojosa said.
The 13 campuses that have seen a remarkable turnaround and are no longer on the IR list are:
- C.F. Carr Elementary School
- Paul L. Dunbar Elementary School
- Thomas A. Edison Middle School
- J.N. Ervin Elementary School
- Onesimo Hernandez Elementary School
- Lincoln High School
- James Madison High School
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School
- J.W. Ray Elementary School
- J.J. Rhoads Elementary School
- T.J. Rusk Middle School
- Edward Titche Elementary School
- George W. Truett Elementary School
The significant drop in IR schools is just one recent metric of Dallas ISD’s success. Other success metrics include:
- Sixty-six percent of Dallas ISD scored 80 percent or higher on the Texas Education Agency’s new accountability system
- Dallas ISD is home to six out of 12 schools that received the highest possible score of 99 on the 2018 STAAR.
- More Dallas ISD students are meeting state standard on the STAAR exam, narrowing the gap between the district and the state:
- 2013-2014: 27% Dallas ISD; 39% State
- 2017-2018: 40% Dallas ISD; 47% State