The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees recognized students and staff for special achievements at its regular meeting on Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018.
• Timothy Johnson, a senior at Skyline High School, was awarded 1st Chair – Tenor 1 – in the Texas All-State Mixed Choir, the which is the highest achievement a student in music can be awarded in the State of Texas. From the 14,000 students who started the audition process in September, he was among the 224 voices selected to the Texas All-State Mixed Choir. In the Dallas area, he was only one of three Tenor 1’s selected. He is the first student in 30 years to represent Skyline High School at the All-State Choir.
• Emmie Arduino, a senior at Woodrow Wilson High School, was awarded 1st Chair – Soprano 2 – in the Texas All-State Mixed Choir, which is the highest achievement a student in music can be awarded in the State of Texas. From the 14,000 students who started the audition process in September, she was among 224 voices selected to the Texas All-State Mixed Choir.
• Trinidad “Trini” Garza Early College High School was awarded the National Title I Distinguished Performance Award. Only 63 schools in the nation were selected. Distinguished schools were honored on February 9, 2018 at the National Title I Conference in Philadelphia. The Texas Education Agency will present the Title I Distinguished National award at the campus on Monday, Feb. 26.
• Wesley Stoker, a fourth-grader at Harry C. Withers Elementary School, was recognized for winning the 26th Annual Gardere MLK Jr. Oratory Competition. Students wrote their own speeches and delivered them based on their answer to the question, “What is your dream for today’s world?” Finalists were judged by panels of local well-known community and business leaders on their delivery, stage presence, decorum, content interpretation, and memorization of five-minute speeches written by the participants.