Tune in to Friday morning’s live stream video of the finals of the 2018 Gardere MLK Oratory Competition, and prepare to be inspired. The event will feature young orators sharing their dreams for today’s world. The live stream of the 28th annual competition will be available at 11 a.m. via a link on the district’s homepage as the event kicks off at W.H. Adamson High School.
The finalists and their schools are:
- Marna Al-Isawi – J.P. Starks Math, Science and Technology Vanguard
- Emerson Byrd – Thomas Tolbert Elementary
- Asad King – William Brown Miller Elementary
- Wesley Stokes- Harry C. Withers Elementary
- Kennedi Stone – L.L. Hotchkiss Elementary
- Skye Turner- Charles Rice Learning Center
- Jeremiah Wilson – Thomas L. Marsalis Elementary
The finalists were selected from more than 120 district students who penned original essays on this year’s theme, “What is your dream for today’s world?” The speeches are judged on content, interpretation, memorization and delivery.