Do you have a student in a Dallas ISD elementary school? Have you signed them up for the Kids Teaching Kids 21-Day Healthy Eating Challenge? Well, what are you waiting for – you only have until Monday, Oct. 9!
Medical City Children’s Hospital and the Dallas Restaurant Association have partnered with Dallas-area high school culinary students who participate in Texas ProStart to create a cookbook full of healthy snack options that elementary students can assemble on their own.
The recipes, made with easily accessible healthy ingredients, are designed to get young students in the habit of reaching for healthy snack options after school. If successful, these habits will result in healthier students and ultimately healthier families. Plus, they’ll win fun prizes they can use in the kitchen just for completing the online registration and survey!
This year the cash award for the campus in the district that has the most students complete the challenge is definitely worth fighting for, so join the challenge for a healthier student and the chance for a cash award for your school!
Check out the Kids Teaching Kids website to learn more about the program and to download the North Texas Recipe Book. Online registration closes Monday, Oct. 9. Sign up today!