In response to the challenges created by Hurricane Harvey, Dallas ISD is committed to serving any students from Houston and the surrounding areas.
Students from the Houston area are expected to start enrolling in Dallas ISD schools.
Dallas ISD campuses will immediately enroll these students who will be staying with family, friends, in shelters and hotels. Campus administrators will work with these families to secure uniforms.
Students will be enrolled in the appropriate grade based on the information provided by the family. Nurses will look up the students’ immunization records. If they are not able to pull their immunization records, the district will wait until the schools are back open and work with them to get their records. Students will not be turned away for any reason.
The Convention Center has been designated as the major shelter for the City of Dallas. The students housed at this location that wish to attend school while they are here will be transported to J.F. Kennedy Elementary School, A.W. Spence Middle School, and North Dallas High School.
The Dallas ISD Food and Child Nutrition Services department has already been contacted by the Texas Education Agency to assist with providing food.