In a couple of weeks, expect to see long lines at health clinics across the city as parents make their first stop to get children ready for the new school year with a little shot in the arm.
Students enrolling in the Dallas Independent School District for the first time must provide evidence of required immunizations. All immunizations should be completed by students’ first attendance date.
For the 2017-2018 school year, which begins Monday, Aug. 28, the Texas Department of State Health Services has the following new immunization requirement:
· Hepatitis A: Two doses are required for students entering pre-Kindergarten – eighth grade with the first dose received on or after the first birthday.
Dallas ISD is encouraging parents to vaccinate their children early and avoid long lines by taking advantage of immunization services offered at any district Youth and Family Center (YFC), clinics, doctor’s offices and medical facilities throughout the city, such as the Care Van Program and Dallas County Health and Human Services Immunizations Clinics. Most of these places offer free or low-cost immunizations.
“Each year the Youth & Family Centers provide over 19,900 medical visits for immunizations, check-ups and sick care,” said Youth and Family Centers Director, Lynnie Smith. “The Youth and Family Centers are open all summer long for check-ups and immunizations. There are no long lines if parents come a couple of weeks before school starts so we encourage them not to wait until the last minute.”
To make an appointment at a Youth and Family Center, call 214-266-1257. For other immunizations locations and for a complete list of vaccination requirements, visit: