A mural, created by Skyline High School Class of 2016 graphic design and illustration students, was recently installed at the Dallas Zoo Education Center.
“It was truly a learning experience for the students as well as (teacher) Mr. (Brandon) Harper and I,” teacher Elizabeth Hughes-Ross said in an email. “We all learned how to effectively communicate better and build upon the strengths and weaknesses of one another as family.”
The project was presented to Skyline graphic design students at the end of their sophomore year. When they returned to school the following year, students created renderings for the mural, and a single design was selected. Students worked on the mural at school during class time and after school.
” ‘Butterfly Garden’ was a labor of love, with a handful of about nine students working on the project,” Hughes-Ross said. “There were moments of happiness, stress, anxiety, and sheer joy. The students learned to effectively communicate with one another, troubleshoot problems and the student project managers identified solutions and took ownership of the project; when the last brushstroke was applied to the mural, a burst of emotions flowed from a few students’ eyes.”