Trustees were briefed on a demographic report that shows the challenges—and opportunities—of projected student enrollment over the next 10 years.
Dallas ISD hires an external demographer about every five years to get a detailed forecast on future student enrollment. The report presented at Thursday’s board meeting states the district could see an enrollment decline of 5,000 students over the next 10 years, though the high-growth estimate states the district could grow by 1 percent over that same time period.
The growth of charter schools and housing availability and affordability are among the factors that could cause a future student enrollment decrease, the demographer said.
In response, Superintendent Michael Hinojosa and trustees said the district should continue focusing on all possible strategies to maintain and grow student enrollment. A targeted effort to promote and boost enrollment in pre-K and kindergarten, advocating for policy to boost affordable housing in Dallas ISD boundaries, and ensuring the district grows its innovative programs were among the discussed strategies.
Population and Survey Analysts is the market research group that provided the demographic report.