With its total adopted property tax rate of $1.282 per $100 valuation, the Dallas Independent School District continues to have one of the lowest tax rates among school districts in Dallas County.
The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees approved the 2015 tax rate during its meeting on Aug. 27. The property tax rate, a combination of its maintenance and operations levy and its debt service levy, is unchanged from the previous year.
Only Highland Park ISD and Garland ISD have lower tax rates among school districts in Dallas County.
“I just want to thank Board members for running an incredibly efficient operation,” said Trustee Mike Morath.
The total property tax rate includes $1.04005 per $100 for maintenance and operations. While the rate is the same, it is expected to generate a 6.81 percent increase in revenue for the district due to rising property tax collections in Dallas County.
The district’s debt service rate will be $0.242035 per $100 valuation. Revenue from the levy is used to pay current interest and principal payments for bonds. It includes a 10 percent homestead exemption in tax calculations.