News Briefs

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Monday, Oct. 6 is Child Health Day, a day dedicated to promoting the importance of providing healthy lifestyles for children in the U.S.  In conjunction with Child Health Day, the Health & Physical Education and Educational Technology departments are preparing to launch a virtual site for homebound students. The site will offer physical activity sessions via videos to encourage the students to participate in a variety of activities from home. Child Health Day promotes a comprehensive approach to child health by creating healthy, safe environments for children, providing proper nutrition and regular wellness checkups, increasing physical activity and ensuring adequate…

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As we approach that time of year for red, runny noses, coughing and congestion, here are 10 ways to minimize your exposure to germs that can develop into the common cold, flu, respiratory infection or the newly identified enterovirus. Remember the tip about singing “Happy Birthday” while scrubbing your digits? Wash your hands and wash often. Also, limit touching your face, nose and mouth as much as possible. We found a use for the inside of your elbows—a shield for coughing and sneezing. Many household cleaning agents are encouraging consumers to start “healthing” versus cleaning. Make this a practice in…

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