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Attending parent/teacher conferences is a small step that can achieve big results for students. It is well known that students whose parents or guardians are involved in their education perform better in school. By meeting with teachers, parents not only demonstrate that education is a priority, but they can also discuss their child’s progress and learn how to help their child succeed in school. Parents can also learn about the great benefits of Parent Portal and how to register for this highly effective tool that helps monitor their child’s progress, attendance, and assignments. Parent conferences are scheduled 4-8 p.m. on…

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From ages two to 92, bar none, Texans look forward to their turn at the annual State Fair. Dallas ISD students—and staff—are no exception. Young students get first dibs. District elementary schools will be shuttered Friday, October 10, for Elementary Day at the Fair. That day is a normal school day for secondary schools. The following Friday, October 17, which happens to be the last Friday of the extravaganza, the older kids get their turn while the elementary students stay in school. All Dallas ISD secondary campuses will go dark October 17 in honor of Big Tex, corny dogs, pig…

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Update: Oct. 8, 2014 Dallas ISD extends sympathy to Duncan family We are saddened to learn of Mr. Thomas Duncan’s passing and extend our sympathy to his family and loved ones. Today our thoughts are with our students who knew Mr. Duncan. The district will make available counseling services to students and staff most affected. We understand Mr. Duncan’s passing may raise additional questions surrounding the Ebola virus. The district has posted a number of online resources on its Health Updates page that families may find helpful regarding the virus. To date, the five students who possibly had contact with Mr.…

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