Inside Dallas ISD

Browsing: Inside Dallas ISD

Educators attending the National Center for Urban School Transformation symposium quietly strolled the halls of Dallas ISD elementary schools considered to be among the nation’s highest performing schools. Student leaders proudly guided their special visitors to give them a sneak peek at excellence in motion. The group composed of principals, assistant principals, teachers, and instructional coaches from across the country took the opportunity to “see first-hand what our award-winning schools look like,” Shirley Peterson, NCUST executive coach said. To have four schools in the same district receive this prestigious designation in the same year “is quite an honor,” Peterson added.…

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Devices such as remote controls, cell phones and video games were once examples of the ways technology kept us from moving and staying fit. Or, at least they served as a convenient excuse. However, these days technology is proving to be a boon for fitness fans. Fitbits, pedometers, interactive heart rate monitors and other nutrition/fitness apps have brought fitness into the 21st century. Thanks to an investment by the district’s Health and PE department in popular tech tools, PE teachers are integrating some of the tech devices into the school PE curriculum to make fitness fun for their students. On Thursday, May…

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This week, The Hub is recognizing district staff who are instrumental in supporting the educational experiences of Dallas ISD students. Like their counterparts across the nation, Dallas ISD staff play an essential role in student success. During Staff Appreciation Week, we invite the community to join us in recognizing the dedicated employees who wholeheartedly commit themselves to providing an exceptional educational experience for all children. Each day this week, we will recognize three of the hundreds of exemplary Dallas ISD staff across the district. As we highlight their experiences, we salute the role every staff member plays in making our schools, communities…

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