Inside Dallas ISD

Browsing: Inside Dallas ISD

Serving up one meal to a Dallas Independent School District student could mean the difference in a child eating or going hungry that day. That’s why Dallas ISD’s Food and Child Nutrition Services (FCNS) department takes all things food seriously. It’s also the reason they were recently recognized by Children at Risk, an education advocacy group, for their approach on child nutrition. Margaret Lopez, executive director of FCNS, graciously accepted the award during a press conference earlier this month. “Students shouldn’t be hungry for anything but learning,” Lopez said. District programs promoting healthy eating could not be possible without the…

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Dallas ISD seniors are being encouraged to register to vote in time for the presidential primary election on March 1, 2016. The last day to register to vote in the primary election is Monday, Feb. 1. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is among the groups encouraging seniors to register to vote. “That is the way (students) get their voices heard, they are able to elect their officials and take part in being an American citizen,” LULAC representative Magda Cruz said. Cruz said a common misconception among students is that they have to be 18 years old to…

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Reading is the gateway to most other forms of knowledge. For many students, however, learning to read and enjoy books does not come easily. Learning differences, inadequate exposure to books and reading instruction, language barriers and lack of confidence in their ability can all be reasons why some children struggle with reading mastery. The level of family literacy and the amount of attention paid to books and reading in the home can also impact when and how well students learn to read. The annual African American Read-In, set for 11 a.m., Sat., Feb. 20, is one effort focused on countering…

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Dallas ISD’s finest band musicians will take center stage this Saturday for the all-city band concert at Moises Molina High School. Many of the 200 student musicians have proven their skill by performing difficult musical selections in multiple rounds of district and regional contests. On Friday and Saturday, Jan. 29 and 30, these middle and high school band stars will practice and perform during a special clinic sponsored by the district’s Visual and Performing Arts department. Each year, the department brings in noted music educators to work with the district’s talented young musicians in preparation for the all-city band concert.…

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