Browsing: Headlines

Dallas ISD drives economic growth by supporting community partners


The success of The Crowther Group, one of Dallas ISD’s prime construction vendors, highlights the positive impact of the district’s Minority & Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) department on the community. Dallas ISD serves as a key component for the growth of businesses such as The Crowther Group, one of the district’s few certified M/WBE prime vendors, which increases competition in the bidding process for the district. While the overall aspirational goal for the M/WBE department is for 30% of the district’s projects to be awarded to minority- and women-owned businesses, The Crowther Group has achieved an average of 40% on…

Model UN Conference inspires sixth graders to champion global collaboration


Submitted by the Social Studies department Over 350 sixth-grade students across Dallas ISD represented 26 countries at this year’s Model United Nations (UN) Conference held at Ellis Davis Field House. Leading up to the conference, students worked on developing their research skills, public speaking, reading, writing, and problem-solving. They came to the conference prepared to have fun and engage with their peers, as well as exchange ideas and knowledge about their respective countries. The purpose of the Model UN conference is for students to understand the necessary collaboration that happens in the international community to respond to sustainable development goals…

Dallas ISD robotics teams excel in state and global arenas


Submitted by the Computer Science & Technology department With gears still spinning and circuits buzzing, the district’s competitive robotics teams are capping off another successful season of victories and innovation. At the global competition, teams will bring their A-game, leveraging the skills they’ve honed throughout the school year and putting forth their maximum effort. VEX Robotics Thirty-two teams from 17 Dallas ISD schools advanced to the VEX Robotics State Championship, with 11 of them securing spots in the upcoming VEX Robotics World Championship from April 25 to May 3 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. FIRST in Texas Several…

Kai’s culinary journey: from hobby to career path


The crown of a pineapple isn’t typically thought of as edible, but for Kai T., it’s another chance to expand his palate and a step toward his dream career of becoming a ‘flavorist’.  As a child, Kai spent a lot of time in the kitchen, redefining family time as moments of culinary exploration. Now, he studies culinary arts at Franklin D. Roosevelt High School, a pivotal step toward his career goals. He describes a flavorist as someone who melds culinary arts with chemistry to perfect artificial flavors and create new ones. “I’ve always been a huge science nerd, and cooking…

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