Author: Nina Lakhiani

Como estudiante en David W. Carter High School, Patrick W. III nunca trató de encajar, si bien es natural para él hacer nuevos amigos y ayudar a los demás a sentirse valorados. “Eso fue lo mejor de mis años aquí, que no tuve que cambiar quien soy. No traté de encajar con los demás solo para hacer amigos”, dijo. Patrick, apodado “Pastor Pat” por sus amigos, abrazó el rol de guía espiritual y a menudo les ofrecía palabras de inspiración. Originario de Cedar Hill, Texas, Patrick se crio con un fundamento en la fe y la familia. Su padre, un…

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During his time at Carter High School, Patrick W. III never tried to fit in. Even though making friends and helping people feel seen comes naturally. “That was the highlight of my years, not having to change myself. I didn’t try to fit in the crowd for the sake of making friends,” he said.  Nicknamed ‘Pastor Pat’ by his peers, the senior embraced the role of spiritual guide and often provided them words of inspiration.  Born and raised in Cedar Hill, Texas, Patrick W. III’s upbringing was grounded in faith and family.  His father, a respected pastor, instilled in him…

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Bryan Adams High School Leadership Academy está celebrando un nuevo horizonte para la comunidad del este de Dallas. Estudiantes, padres, exalumnos y personal se reunieron para admirar el nuevo edificio de la comunidad de Bryan Adams High School en una ceremonia de dedicación y corte de listón llevada a cabo el miércoles 7 de septiembre. Bryan Adams recibió más de $69 millones para adiciones y mejoras durante las elecciones del programa de bonos del 2015. El director Ryan Bott, agradeció a la comunidad por su apoyo y a quienes sentaron las bases para el proyecto. La ceremonia destacó varias de…

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Bryan Adams High School Leadership Academy is celebrating a new path forward for its East Dallas community. Students, parents, alumni, and staff came together to praise the new construction for the Bryan Adams High School community with a ribbon-cutting building dedication ceremony on Wednesday, Sept. 7. Bryan Adams received more than $69 million for additions and improvements during the 2015 bond election. Principal Ryan Bott thanked the community for their support and those who laid the groundwork for the project. The ceremony highlighted various new construction upgrades including a new secured main entry, a two-level classroom, fine arts additions, a…

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For Skyline High School senior Channing Garrett, this year was so much more than a frustrating adjustment to online learning because of COVID-19.  It was a year that challenged her like no other, as she lost the two strongest women in her life. Channing’s mother was a two-time breast cancer survivor, but most importantly, she was a mother, friend, and warrior. Channing vividly recalls the day she first heard the word “cancer,” at age five. “I remember asking my mom ‘why is your hair falling out?’ and that’s when she told me, but I didn’t really get it until later.”…

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For as long as Adamson High School senior Elias Calixto can remember, education has always been his main focus in life. While some students prioritized friends or other interests, Calixto prioritized textbooks. “My parents came to this country with nothing but the clothes on their backs,” Calixto said. “My mom knows from experience the importance of education, she taught me the value and power a textbook can have.” Calixto is a first-generation high school graduate and valedictorian of his class at Adamson High School. Ever since he received a ranking of number one during his sophomore year, Calixto realized that…

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At a time of great uncertainty and rapid changes in education, Dallas ISD is thrilled to share some good news and shine a spotlight on our NAF 2020 Distinguished Academies, which are doing an outstanding job of supporting student success. Dallas ISD has grown from 14 Distinguished Academies to 23; this is the largest growth of Distinguished Academies over one year in the NAF network. “We are excited to have these additional Distinguished NAF Academies identified in Dallas ISD,” said Richard Grimsley, director of career education and workforce partnerships. “Our CTE teachers and programs have worked diligently to improve academy and…

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While strolling through Hobby Lobby, a creative idea came to Central Elementary School Counselor Ashley Williams: transform an empty locker at her school into a mailbox where student could anonymously drop notes expressing how they feel. “I noticed there were a lot of students who needed that extra person they could come to,” Williams said. “The emotional and mental state of kids is something that we are really focusing on, so I wanted to give my kids the opportunity to know that’s what I’m here for.” The locker-turned-mailbox allows students to easily tell Williams how they are feeling about a…

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Seven additional schools will offer the two-way dual language program this school year, providing more opportunities for students to learn to read, write and speak in two languages. In this program, English speakers can learn Spanish and Spanish speakers can learn English. Students grow to become biliterate and bilingual while gaining high academic achievement and cross-cultural competence. Dallas ISD now has 68 schools that offer the two-way dual language program. Over the course of a day in a two-way dual language program, students that speak and students that are learning to speak English are taught together certain subjects (such as…

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Beruk Tsuhaye always loved reading while growing up in Uganda, but he never had the chance to read new books in his native country. Now, as part of the Dallas ISD Refugee Summer Program, Tsuhaye smiled wide as he opened up copies of the Percy Jackson novels and I Am Malala. “This camp has been the most amazing experience,” he said. Dallas ISD’s Refugee Summer Program creates a supportive community for refugee children, from kindergarten through fifth-grade, who share similar experiences of moving to a new country. The academic and enrichment program focuses on helping refugee youth improve their language,…

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