Author: MariCarmen Eroles

In the more than 20 years Yatta Johnson—a licensed mental health clinician—has worked as a school psychologist, she has played many roles but perhaps none more crucial as the one she has now at Emmett J. Conrad High School. Every day, she connects with students, guides them through difficult times and helps them better understand themselves and others. Johnson is one of several school psychologists in Dallas ISD, and thousands throughout the country, whose work is celebrated and highlighted through Nov. 10 during National School Psychology Week. “I’m a non-traditional school psychologist because my degree is in mental health counseling psychology and…

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¢Ahora que el mundo se vuelve cada vez más dependiente de la tecnología, los estudiantes aprenden en línea con más frecuencia. La educación está poniéndose al día, y el Departamento de Tecnología Educativa de Dallas ISD está a la cabeza del esfuerzo por cumplir con las exigencias tecnológicas de la educación de hoy con un nuevo centro de tecnología. “Reconocemos la necesidad de modernizar la tecnología disponible en nuestras escuelas, por lo que elegimos a Frederick Douglass Elementary School como ‘incubadora’ de tecnología”, dijo Jon Hurley, superintendente adjunto de Tecnología, Arquitectura y Operaciones. Esta labor realizada en la escuela servirá…

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As the world continues to become more dependent on technology, more and more learning is taking place online. Education is catching up, and Dallas ISD’s Educational Technology Department is leading the effort to meet the technological demands of evolving educational opportunities with a new tech hub. “As we recognized the need to modernize technology at our campuses, we chose Frederick Douglass Elementary School as a technology incubator,” said Jon Hurley, assistant superintendent of Technology—Architecture and Operations. The work done at the school will serve as a guide for future technology upgrades in other areas of the district. As part of…

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Varias escuelas de Dallas ISD serán sitios de votación para las elecciones generales de mitad de período del 8 de noviembre. Debido a que a los miembros de la comunidad se les permitirá ingresar a las escuelas para votar, la Junta Escolar aprobó establecer el 8 de noviembre como un día de desarrollo profesional para maestros y de descanso para estudiantes. Esta medida garantizará la seguridad y el bienestar de los estudiantes y el personal mientras las escuelas están abiertas al público para las elecciones. Los conserjes estarán en las escuelas el día de las elecciones; sin embargo, los maestros,…

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Several Dallas ISD schools will be polling sites for the Nov. 8 general midterm election. Because community members will be allowed to enter the schools to vote, the Board of Trustees approved establishing Nov. 8 as a professional development day for teachers and a student holiday. This measure will ensure the safety and wellbeing of students and staff while the campuses are open to the public for the election. Custodians will be at the schools on Election Day; however, teachers and other campus-based staff and Student Transportation staff will conduct assigned professional development. The district’s administrative offices will remain open…

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