Twelve students from Seagoville High School are gearing up for an unforgettable experience as they compete in the prestigious Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo. The students will be immersed in the action at the historic Stockyards, where their day will be filled with bathing and conditioning animals, cleaning their bedding, feeding them, and ensuring they are comfortable and competition-ready. The program, led by Sarah Galloway, now in her sixth year at Seagoville, provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience in agricultural science. Through her leadership, students learn the importance of hard work, responsibility, and teamwork as…
Author: Anastasia Reed-Jones
Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III Global Preparatory Academy kicked off its College Career and Military Readiness speaker series for the 2024-2025 school year with a special visit from Annette Addo-Yobo, Miss Texas 2024. On Friday, Sept. 6, the reigning Miss Texas spoke to 9th-and 10th-graders at the campus, sharing her journey and offering valuable advice on goal setting, seeking mentorship, and staying actively involved in school. During her talk, Addo-Yobo emphasized the power of perseverance and education in achieving their dreams. After her presentation, students were given the opportunity to ask questions and seek personal guidance and advice. The CCMR…
En una de las escuelas de Dallas ISD, levantar la mano en clase para pedir un pase quedó en el pasado. En Robert T. Hill Middle School, bajo el liderazgo de la directora Candice Ruiz, el compromiso con la innovación ha hecho de la escuela un lugar de aprendizaje más seguro y enfocado. “Se deben tomar riesgos para obtener resultados diferentes. Así que tomamos un riesgo”, dijo Ruiz. Esta mentalidad la llevó a encontrar maneras de utilizar tecnología de punta para aumentar la seguridad, la atención de los estudiantes y de devolverles tiempo de enseñanza a los maestros. EHall Pass,…
In one Dallas ISD school, raising your hand in class to request a hall pass is now a thing of the past. At Robert T. Hill Middle School, under the leadership of Principal Candice Ruiz, commitment to innovation has transformed the campus into a safer and more focused learning environment. “You have to take risks to get different results. So we try to take the risk,” said Ruiz. This mentality led her to find ways to utilize leading-edge technology to increase safety, enhance student attentiveness, and give instructional time back to teachers. EHall Pass, a digital alternative to traditional, physical…
Con tan solo pocos días desde que comenzó el año escolar, Dallas ISD ha visto las inscripciones llegar a niveles récord. El 22 de agosto, la superintendente Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D., informó a la Junta Escolar sobre las cifras más recientes de inscripciones estudiantiles para el año escolar 2024–2025. “Luego de ver un descenso por nueve años consecutivos, las inscripciones van en aumento y ya excedieron lo que predijimos”, dijo Elizalde. “Es un testimonio para los líderes escolares, los maestros, los socios comunitarios, los padres y la Junta Escolar”. El distrito había predicho 137,500 estudiantes para el año escolar actual…
With just days into the new school year, Dallas ISD is experiencing record enrollment. On Aug. 22, Superintendent Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D., briefed the Board of Trustees on the most recent enrollment numbers for the 2024-2025 school year. “After declining for nine years in a row, enrollment is up and has already exceeded our projections,” said Elizalde. “That is a testimony to our campus leaders, our teachers, our community partners, our parents, and this Board of Trustees.” The district projected 137,500 students for the current school year, based on a school-by-school analysis. However, as of day nine, the district enrolled…
De niña, Jazmine T. hallaba inspiración entre las páginas de sus libros de aventura y fantasía que la cautivaban con las misiones de los personajes. Hoy, está a punto de embarcarse en su propia aventura, pues su próximo capítulo la llevará de Sunset High School a Barnard College en Nueva York con beca completa. Jazmine, criado en México, recurría a los libros cuando se sentía sola luego de mudarse a Dallas a vivir con su tía, lejos de sus padres. Además de darle consuelo, los libros sirvieron como herramienta para aprender inglés. “Los libros me dieron la pasión y la…
Growing up, Jazmine T. found inspiration in the pages of fantasy and adventure books, immersing herself in the characters’ quests. Now, she’s about to embark on her own exciting journey, with her next chapter taking her from Sunset High School to Barnard College in New York City on a full-ride scholarship. Raised in Mexico, Jazmine turned to books when she felt alone after moving to Dallas to live with her aunt, away from her parents. Not only did books provide comfort, but they also served as a tool for learning English. “Books gave me the passion and motivation to stay…
“Welcome to the Royce West Leadership Academy.” A soft-spoken middle school student greeted Sen. Royce West with these words as he arrived at the renaming ceremony held in his honor. For West, it was a touching realization marking the significance of hearing a student address the school in his honor for the first time. “This moment is not lost on me and I understand the significance of this day,” said West, reflecting on the impact of the day. Surrounded by students, elected officials, and community members, the Royce West Leadership Academy was officially unveiled on Feb. 20, signifying the senator’s…