Dallas ISD shares back-to-school safety tips


Written by Communications Services junior associate, Jeimy Rodriguez

The beginning of a new school year is an exciting time. But it also means campuses will be busy.

Students commute to and from school by car, on foot, or by bicycle, so safety, especially during high-traffic times, is essential.

Families are being asked to do their part, said Walter Green, Dallas ISD Police Department lieutenant.

“It’s important that parents teach their kids about safety,” he said. “We have school zones in place for a reason, to slow down and protect anyone that’s out there. In the mornings and at the end of school, you have more students in the area at the time.”

The key is being aware of surroundings, he said.

With the arrival of a new academic year, Dallas ISD offers the following tips:

  • Always wear a seatbelt: Students getting a ride to school, and high schoolers who drive themselves, should always be wearing a seatbelt. Younger students, such as kindergarten through second grade, should also ride in the back of the vehicle with a booster seat.
  • Don’t be distracted: Drivers, whether they are students or parents, should limit all distractions such as cell phone usage, eating while driving, applying makeup, etc.
  • Be mindful of bus signals: 
    • Flashing yellow lights indicate a bus is preparing to stop. Drivers should reduce their speed and be ready to make a complete stop.
    • If a bus’s lights are red and there’s an extended bus sign, it signifies that the bus has stopped for children to get on or off. Regardless of the direction, drivers must come to a complete stop and wait until the lights are off and the stop sign is back in place. 
  • Stay alert and obey speed limits: Drivers should be on the lookout and obey speed limits as students and parents make their way into the building. 
  • If a student is biking to school, make sure they have a proper helmet and ride in the same direction as traffic.

For more information, the Dallas ISD Police Department can be reached at dallasisd.org/pd. It is also encouraged for everyone to receive real-time updates by @DISDPolice on Twitter and Instagram to ensure a safe school year. 




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