Advanced Placement (AP) exam testing windows for 2021


Since March 2020, the way teachers deliver instruction and the way students learn has fundamentally changed.  This year, rather than offering a single testing approach that would serve only some teachers and students well, a variety of testing options are being made available to campuses, reflecting the unique characteristics of each exam and preferences from AP teachers, coordinators, and school leaders.

The 2021 AP Exam Schedule offers three administration windows. These dates will allow for optimal instruction and flexibility for campuses.

  • Administration 1: May 3-7, 10-12, 14, and 17 – In School Paper and Pencil
  • Administration 2: May 18-21, 24-28 – In School Paper and Pencil, In-School and/or At-Home Digital
  • Administration 3: June 1-4,7-11 – In School  Paper and Pencil , In-School and/or At-Home Digital

Dallas ISD principals and campus staff are currently working to determine the appropriate administration windows for their campuses. For fairness and security concerns, not all exams will have an at-home digital option.

If you have questions or require further information, please contact Advanced Academic Services via


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