VIDEO: TEI experts discuss range of topics


Raising the quality of instruction in each classroom requires having effective teachers. Destination 2020, Dallas ISD’s strategic plan for college and career readiness, places a strong emphasis on identifying, supporting and rewarding effective teaching.”

Tonight, teachers from around the district, known as TEI Experts, met at meetings like this one to discuss and provide feedback for the Teacher Excellence Initiative, the district’s new evaluation system that measures teacher effectiveness. They provide guidance and input on TEI.

“The things that we do at these meetings help me to understand this evaluation system a little better because we see the PowerPoints every time we have a meeting. They kind of refresh us because it’s a pretty complex system. TEI has a lot to it and a lot of components, so when we get to go over those at every meeting, it’s kind of helpful in understanding it in a deeper way. I feel better equipped to explain it to my peers at my campus having attended these than I would having otherwise,” said Carolyn Hess, a teacher from School of Health Professions at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center.

SEE ALSO: Principals play central role in communicating TEI

Beyond providing training to the experts so they have a better understanding of TEI, and in share that training with their peers, the meetings also allow experts to share valuable feedback from teachers and principals with district staff. Because TEI is a continuous improvement model, this feedback is critical in helping build a stronger system.

According to TEI Expert Lachon Jacobs, this involvement means teachers have an active role in shaping a system that will define how their success is measured.

“I think it’s important that we have the ability to get the information, to give feedback, to question and to speak on behalf of our peers so that we can have an equitable system,” said Jacobs, a teacher at the Rosie M. Collins Sorrells School of Education and Social Work at Yvonne. A. Ewell Townview Center.

“This is the third time the TEI experts have met this year, and they will meet again in February and April.”

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